Did you know that over 60% of houses had a two-door garage in 2019? Garages are incredibly versatile and deserve to be in tip-top shape all year round.

That’s why a lot of people turn to epoxy flooring to keep their garage floor in good condition. But just what is epoxy flooring and how much does it cost to get your floors coated? Is it even the best option out there?

That’s what we’re here to look at today. Read on to find out more about how much epoxy flooring costs here.

What Is Epoxy Flooring?

Epoxy is a type of polymer, which is a group of chemical compounds made up of large molecules. Epoxy, like other polymers, are both elastic and tough. 

Those characteristics have allowed epoxy to be incredibly useful in construction as an adhesive and coating. Similarly, homeowners have used epoxy to coat their garage floors.

Different Types of Epoxy

A lot of people tend to think that there’s only one type of epoxy when in reality there are at least two main variants that are most used. There’s pure epoxy and polyester resin. 

Pure epoxy is made up of epoxy resin and a hardener. It takes longer to cure and in turn offers less shrinkage and more adhesion. Polyester resin cures much faster but is usually only used in construction. 

What Are the Advantages of Epoxy?

Why do people tend to use epoxy to cover their floors anyway? For starters, it increases the durability of your garage flooring. It helps preserve garage floor tiles while achieving low shrinkage.

It makes your floors resistant to chemicals while remaining a relatively inexpensive way to take care of your garage flooring. It’s also non-toxic, meaning you won’t have to worry about any errant chemicals. 

How Much Does It Cost?

As we said, epoxy is considered an inexpensive way to increase your garage floor’s durability. You can expect to pay about $3 to $7 per square foot in your garage.

Epoxy is usually sold in gallon buckets, so your end costs will depend on how much surface area you need to cover. Smaller garages will naturally have fewer square feet to cover, meaning cheaper epoxy costs all around.

Why Epoxy Might Not Be the Right Choice

While epoxy is an affordable and reliable way to coat your garage floor, it’s far from perfect. It can easily wear down over time, and it’s especially susceptible to fading after exposure to sunlight.

Depending on how much you walk or drive over the epoxy coating, it’ll likely chip away after just a couple of years. Having to replace it might seem like a hassle for some homeowners.

Stronger Than Epoxy: Polyurea

Luckily there’s a great alternative for covering your garage floor. Polyurea is a more dynamic coating that does away with many of epoxy’s shortcomings.

For instance, it’s not affected by ultraviolet light as epoxy coatings are. There’s also a second coating that’s applied to resist any moisture from entering your concrete.

It also cures much faster than most epoxy products and provides a clean, glossy finish to boot. It’s scratch-resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures.

Choosing the Best Garage Floor Coating

Coating your garage floor is essential if you want to keep your garage in top shape for years to come. Use this guide to help you understand how much it costs to use epoxy and whether you should consider alternatives. 

Need reliable concrete coating services? Looking to apply polyurea to your garage floor? Contact us today and you can book an appointment at your convenience!