People use their garage space for several things. Maybe your garage serves as a home gym or an art space. Or, perhaps you use your garage as a place to store and work on your car. 

Whatever you use your garage for, it helps to keep your garage clean. The last thing anybody wants is to walk into a garage full of cobwebs and oil stains. 

Fortunately, there are ways to clean your garage. One excellent method is with garage floor coatings. 

These coatings offer several advantages to keep your garage floor clean. We’ll explore some of those benefits in the guide below!

Keep Your Garage Clean with a Physical Barrier

People often think of concrete as an invulnerable material. Because of this surface’s density, it gives an illusion of invincibility. 

However, concrete can also become worn down over time. Heavy vehicles resting on your concrete floor can weather the surface. Likewise, excessive heat or cold can cause the floor to crack. 

That’s why polyurea flooring solutions are so helpful. These floor coatings provide a physical barrier to protect your floor from outside factors. 

These barriers also protect your floors from scratches. Let’s say you use your garage as a gym. Sometimes, moving heavy equipment across the floor causes scratches. 

Fortunately, these coatings are usually scratch-resistant. So, you can avoid concerns about damaging your floor. 

Water Resistance with Floor Coatings

Some areas are more prone to flooding than others. Weather events and the position of your home could cause several garages to flood. 

Sometimes, flooding threats come from within the home. Pipe damage or waterline leaks can cause water to spill into your garage.

Heavy saturation can also cause concrete to crack and break. As such, flooding issues could damage your garage floor and lower your property value. 

Once again, you can protect your floors through a polyurea coating. These coatings have extensive water resistance that keeps the moisture from saturating your floor. Our polyurea coatings repel moisture and preserve your concrete for years to come. 

Stain Resistance 

Finally, garages often suffer from stains developing on the floor. Typically, this happens in garages when you store your vehicles there. 

Cars often leak oil and other fluids onto the garage floor. The corrosive nature of these liquids often leads to stains

Other stains can also affect your garage floors, such as those left by paint or primer. Once again, a polyurea floor coating can prevent this. 

These coatings resist stains from several types of fluids and mixtures. Likewise, they have a smooth finish that dries quickly. This way, you can avoid concerns like bubbles from the coating.

Protect Your Garage Floors with Our Polyurea Coatings!

Floor coatings are excellent assets in keeping your garage clean. However, several coating solutions exist on the market. How can you find the best one?

If you live in the Trumbull area, consider using our coatings! We offer top-grade polyurea coatings to protect your floors. 

Our coatings offer all the benefits described in this article. They also come in several color options and resist ultraviolet light damage. Contact us today to receive a quote!